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Your Guide to Water Aerobics

Do you have the perception that water aerobics is simply a group of old ladies floating around in the pool geriatrically moving? I can write, with confidence, that you are 100% wrong. Want an awesome workout that is going to make you move, pant and yes sweat all in the pool? That is Water Aerobics!!! There are different types of Water Aerobics Instructors. Some instructors run a Yoga/Pilates class with more stagnate but holding moves – fun class and it does work the entire body. Other instructors run a cardio class with either a Zumba(R) or Dancing flair – these are fun but a bit unnerving if you have two left feet. Finally, there are the Boot Camp style instructors. It’s a bit like Boot Camp but in the water. Does that mean you’re going to be flipping tires and doing pull-ups? It’s the water… no… but push-ups, cardio exertion, and arm movements are going to be a part of the routine. Which one is for you? Well… you won’t know until you go out and try the classes. Don’t stick to one instructor/class (unless of course it’s the only thing that works into your schedule). It’s like trying the specialty dips at the fair… try them all because you never know which one you are going to like. There is some standard (unwritten) rules for Water Aerobics however, that will make your life go smoother and cause less stress on the instructor, the gym, and other Water Aerobics people (aka pool people). Plan before coming to the gym Bring your own shower gear – most gyms provide a microbial-free soap in the showers. These soaps, however, are nothing more than what you wash your hands with. Walmart and the like/kind stores sell ‘travel kits’ that are perfect for the gym – and usually in a waterproof pouch. Fill those bottles with the same things you use at home and viola… a home shower away from home. Rapunzel, Rapunzel… let down your hair!! In the pool, when working out, you don’t want to have to fiddle with your hair in your face. Ensure that you bring hair ties to keep those beautiful tresses out of your face – oh and use them! Bring your own towel - Most gyms – unless you are willing to pay the price – do not provide you with a towel. Bring a towel and a plastic bag to put your wet suit and towel in after the gym. Hydration – Being in the water is just like working out on land… your body will still sweat… most gyms allow you to bring in your own water bottle and I totally advise bringing one. Most instructors will give you quick water breaks. Workout gear – As with any workout, your workout clothing is just as important when doing Water Aerobics. That swimming dress with a skirt that covers 90% of your body is awesome when you’re lounging around the pool in Tahiti or at the beach. When doing water aerobics, however, the swimming dresses are cumbersome and honestly, they float. I have seen more women spend 75% of their workout trying to get their bathing suit to quit flying around and attacking them like a swarm of locus. If you want a skirt, fine, but get the short ones that don’t flounce around. Also, most gym pools are terrible on your bathing suit. Plan on buying another one in 2 months or buy more than one and alternate. Let’s talk about the girls! Those girls are uncontrollable and have a mind of their own. That statement is absolutely true when you’re in the pool running and jumping around. Wardrobe malfunctions are a serious issue. How do you solve this? Wear a bra under your bathing suit. I would advise a well-fitting sports bra or even a simple underwire (if you wear them) cotton bra. Built-in bras in the bathing suits do not do the job! Cover your feet – I would advise aqua shoes (not socks) for working out in the pool. If you can’t do aqua shoes, I would definitely advise a set of flip flops to wear to the pool edge and back into the locker room. Icky foot fungus is not fun!!! Then again, neither is falling on your butt on slippery tile. Now you’re ready to go and have gotten to the gym… Selective locker choices – look at the gym locker room. Is there a bank of lockers closest to the shower/pool exit? That is usually where the ‘pool people’ gravitate. This is because it’s less of a distance for them to walk soaking wet after the pool. Changing in the bathroom stall – Some women cannot change in front of others. Do not, for all that is holy in St. Lucia, utilize the only handicapped stall to change into your bathing suit. If this is an issue for you, utilize the shower stalls. They are usually semi-private and allow you that privacy that you are seeking. And, if you’re already in the shower, which brings me to the next bit of advice… Shower first! You have perfumes, lotions, colognes, hair products, makeup and general funk that changes the chemicals in the pool. Please shower after you have put on your bathing suit. Most gyms provide a shower in the pool area. Don’t forget to take your towel (shower stuff) with you to the pool, else wise you’ll be traipsing through the locker room to get it after class. You’ve made it to the pool – hurrah!!!! Look for equipment – Wait… what are those weird things everyone is grabbing? That is the equipment (usually drag weights or noodles) that the gym provides and most likely the instructor uses. Get out, grab a set of equipment and put it on the edge of the pool near where you are staking your spot. Introduce yourself to people around you – They may be scary, new people but you will make fast friends with them. They are like a family when working out. Help with preparing the pool – if you see people moving lane lines getting into position, follow them and help. Also, gets you interacting with people. During the class – I’ve got this!!! Look around you and watch – You know that person you introduced yourself to? That is the best resource to look at when you are unsure of the move the instructor is asking you to perform. Slow down… but don’t stop – You have not worked out in eons – or ever – and your body is not used to the exertion that you are putting on it. It’s okay… you will get better in time. If you can’t run fast, fast, fast… slow it down a bit but remember to push yourself slightly. Most instructors don’t do moves for longer than a minute. A general march is a good move to go to if you need to slow down. Social Hour is after class – The pool is a noisy, hard-to-hear place. Even more difficult when punctuated with 30 people having conversations. Meet people before class or chat with them after class. During class is not the time to discuss the goings-on of your puppy, grandchild, child, work, etc. That just makes the instructor talk louder and causes more issues. It’s only been 5 minutes?? Let the instructor pay attention to the clock. You dedicated your time to come to class for the hour. Don’t be a clock watcher – that’s the instructor’s job. Enjoy yourself and focus on working out. CRAMP, CRAMP, CRAMP!!! It happens to everyone at some point. If it’s in the legs, take a moment to stop, point and flex your leg muscle and then march in place until the pain goes away. If it’s in your arms or shoulders, stretch that area out and then pick back up where everyone else is at. Stay – The class is usually 45-50 minutes, which is what you were prepared for. Leaving in the middle of the class only shorts you and your workout. Stay for the class. If a move is too difficult or you just can’t get it, march in place until you are back in step with things you can do. Creative Exercising is okay right? WRONG! Don’t take liberties. Most instructors have a set routine to work certain muscles in a certain order. Stay on track with exercises… there’s a reason they are telling you to do them that way. Class is over… now what??? Leave it the same way you got it – ensure you help put the lane lines back and put your equipment away. These tasks are NOT part of the instructor’s job. They may do it as a courtesy but will always appreciate the help. Anyone up for Hot Tubbing? Most gyms have hot tubs and pool people gravitate to it after class to relax those muscles. That is awesome and it’s also a great social time. But I’m not done yet!! Still have more energy and want to work out some more? Water walking is always a great exercise and look, you’re already dressed for it. Thank your Teacher! Ensure that you take a second to thank the instructor for coming to teach. Most instructors have full-time jobs and teaching fitness classes is an additional thing that they do. Water, water, water – Despite being in the water, you still sweat and need to replenish. Ensure that you are drinking plenty of water before and after class – remember that water bottle!! Back to the Locker Room Showering off after the pool is highly suggested – Remember that shower kit? Yes, that’s what it’s for. Take a nice, hot shower but remember, there are 29 other people waiting for those showers too. Wet Dog!! Okay, it’s not a wet dog, but it is your wet bathing suit. First and foremost, when you are in the shower, take off the bathing suit. Once the water is off, ring out the bathing suit and put it in the handy bag that was part of your gear. If you forgot to bring the bag, wrap it in your towel. Do not track water across the locker room floor. Back to Reality – Changing back into street clothes can be quite challenging. Ensure that towel is ready to help dry you off. Some people choose to sit in the sauna after their shower to help dry them off. Do not dry off & change in the bathroom stall. Wet feet are not fun! Congratulations!!! You’ve made it through Water Aerobics class!!! You can do this and I wish you 100% success in your lifestyle journey!!!

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