What was the most popular type of food to cook in 2020? If you're guessing chicken, beef, or pork, you're thinking too narrowly. The most popular type of food cooked in 2020 was comfort food. Everyone was trying to make new and creative recipes that they had never attempted before. You couldn't go online without tripping over a picture of food - and I have no clue what was with all the people making sourdough. I will admit, the desire for something new even struck our household.

I'm not talking about the go-to recipe that we all resort to on those nights when we have no clue what we are going to cook. I'm talking about those foods that our grandmother's, mother's, etc made that take our minds back to the days of yesteryear. Those foods cause us to close our eyes with every mouthful and reminisce about a favorite childhood memory that you can feel, smell, taste every single second of the memory.
For a lot of people, comfort foods are higher in carbohydrates, which could be because carbs raise serotonin levels in the brain. However, comfort foods aren't necessarily a bowl of mac and cheese or a pile of buttery mashed potatoes. However, I'm not talking about the go-to recipe that we all resort to on those nights when we have no clue what we are going to cook. I'm talking about those foods that our grandmother's, mother's, etc made that take our minds back to the days of yesteryear. Those foods cause us to close our eyes with every mouthful and reminisce about a favorite childhood memory that you can feel, smell, taste every single second of the memory. Comfort foods are whatever brings you joy - and being joyful is healthy.
While there is a large difference in finding solace and joy in food versus turning to food to the point of overindulging or bingeing, enjoying your comfort foods in moderation should not make you feel regretful or ashamed. I challenge you this week to think of one meal that brings back happy memories or reminds you of someone you haven’t seen in a long time. See if you can make this meal, savor each bite, and see how it makes you feel.
Here is a link to 31 Healthy Comfort Foods - 31 Healthy Comfort Foods for People Who Love to Eat (tasteofhome.com) - I challenge you this week to create one of these masterpieces!!